Five Fabulous Ladies Share Their French Lives
•Posted on April 28 2020

It's day #48 of lock down for me - for many of you too I am sure. Wow that is a long time. Are you missing out on a Spring trip to Paris or France this year? I sure am! I feed my French obsession by reading these ladies' blogs. I have been following all of them for years! Check out the links below, armchair travel to France and grab your French fix from these five fabulous ladies:
#1 The Provence Post
Julie Mautner has been posting about all things Provence since 2008! She is an expert in the area and writes only what she is passionate about. For all of the goings on in Provence this year (yes, we will have goings on again) start here:
#2 Patricia Sands Everyone Has A Story
With a focus on her love of the south of France, women’s issues and ageing, Patricia Sands' stories celebrate the feminine spirit and the power of friendship. Her blog is full of her love of France, her photography and great tips for travelling around on her specially curated tours or on your own!
#3 My Part Time Paris Life
Lisa Anselmo's journey to buying and living in her Paris apartment is chronicled on her blog and she provides a glimpse into living the dream as a Parisian. Her current Lockdown in Paris series - exactly what you think - living in Paris during the lockdown will have you escaping Paris through music, strolls and cooking. Her book My Part Time Paris Life is additional fodder for following her restorative journey and move to the capitol city. Her latest passion is her site, Save the Paris Café ( a mission to celebrate and save the Parisian café life - one café at a time!
#4 Everyday Parisian
On the blog, Rebecca Plotnick shares her favorite Paris addresses on where to stay, eat, drink, and explore. You will also find her select French beauty choices, recipes she is cooking, and recommendation for French themed reading with her Francophile book suggestions. Not only does the blog provide fantastic informative for travel, packing and recipes, but as a professional photographer she will take you on a beautiful visual journey through the City of Light.
#4 Lost in Cheeseland
Lindsey Tramuta is a travel and culture writer based in Paris and the author of the bestseller, The New Paris and the soon-to-be-released The New Parisienne. Her blog explores some not-so-cliché topics, new trends, shopping in the City of Light and travels...oh yes, and cheese. Her podcast series explores the highs and lows of the city and can also be found on her website.
What is your favorite French-themed blog?
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Merci mille fois for including me in this illustrious company. Needless to say, these are all women whose blogs and Instagram I follow as well. There can never be too much to read about France … in every respect. I have always admired how your exquisite selection of French products offers everyone the opportunity to feel they have some of the joys of French life in their own home. Wouldn’t it be fun for all of us to gather together in France one day?
Thank you so much for including me amongst a very talented group of ladies!