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What is the best way to get from CDG to Paris central?

Written by Pam Plancon


Posted on March 02 2025

We get asked this question a lot before all of our women's tours to France....and I always have the same answer. Take an official taxi to central Paris, and here's why:

1. The taxi rates are flat set rates from CDG to central Paris - $58 to the right bank and $65 to the left. This is posted in the taxi stand (see below) in the airport terminal. It does not matter if it takes 2 hours to get into the city - the rate is always the same. You will know it is an official taxi - it will have alight up sign, a meter and in the correct designated area. Pro tip - always know the side of the river you are headed to - if it is in the right or left bank - I have had on a few occasions the taxi driver get it wrong and try to charge me the higher amount when I was headed to the right bank.

2. Typically you have just come off of a long international, red-eye flight and you are tired. Taxi stands are easy to find, convenient and always available when you need them. Sure, you can hire a car service, but I have had clients arrive at a different terminal than what was scheduled and when they landed their driver was at a another terminal. So, it was up to them to call the service, find the driver, change terminals, etc....who wants to deal with all of that?

3. Taxis can use the designated bus lanes throughout Paris - Ubers, Lyft and car services cannot. This is great if there is a lot of traffic- taxis can keep moving while other vehicles are stuck in traffic

The taxis are easy to find in the airport terminal - there are huge blue circles posted on the floor leading you right to the queue.

Now, beware, there will be taxi scammers sprinkled along the way trying to convince you to go with them. They will tell you they are official taxis but they are not and when you arrive at your central Paris destination they will fleece you for sometimes hundreds of dollars. ONLY follow the blue circles and designated signs until you get outside the terminal and are in the official line. There will be an authorized rep at the line who will point to the taxi you should go to.

You will be on your way to Paris - easy peasy!

Bon voyage,





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